Hall ChronicleToday, May 24, 2006. Just another day? No, never. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. But it will be another day of working on the Touchstone magazine. I have information from Joe Lee, a former student of mine at Davis College, who for several years now, along with his wife, Dawn, work amongst the Navajo Indians near Gallup, New Mexico. I will be writing an article on them and their ministry.
This time with Touchstone I'm taking a new approach. Formerly we have always asked a variety of authors to write an article. We provided basic information such as the theme and the length and trusted each one to produce something that was publishable. What this did was to produce a lot of fear and procrastination in the lives of some of them and sometimes the article had to be heavily edited and if they wrote too much, shortened. Others kept to the length suggested and wrote a publishable piece. But, overall, the quality varied and it made for some rather formidable editing challenges.
The new approach is to assign a few articles to be written by others, but for the most part, I am assuming the role of a reporter doing an interview and then writing the story. Of course the stories that will appear in this coming issue of Touchstone will not have the writer's name attached because if that were the case, almost every story would have my name attached! Now, we can't have that, can we?
Starting tomorrow and for the next ten days leading up to Pentecost, I will be leading a prayer meeting at one of the SIM Village apartment buildings. We will have a one-hour session each day. This responsibility was thrust on me rather suddenly as the person originally scheduled to do it is physically unable at the present time.
Yesterday Betty and I discovered a little Italian restaurant just off the circle in downtown, historic Sebring. Having grown up in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, and with Binghamton, New York, being so close by I practically grew up on Italian food. And for 11 years we lived in either Binghamton or Johnson City. If you are from there, or probably most any other place in the Northeast, you know that the best popularly priced restaurants are Greek or Italian. Well, this one we discovered here in Sebring, Cafe' Divino, is excellent and the prices are very reasonable. Visit us in Sebring and we'll demonstrate to you that "seeing is believing."