Tuesday, August 15, 2006

In the year 2001-2002, Betty and I had the inestimable privilege of serving God in Ethiopia. We were posted to the Ministry Training College of the Kale Heywet Church of Ethiopia, in the town of Hosanna, in the southern mountains of that nation. We were struck by the great need of the college to have a campus of its own. The buildings there were using were on loan to them by the local district of the KHC denomination and while they met the needs of the college on a temporary basis, a long-range plan and solution were needed.

We worked with the college administration, along with our teaching (Don) and library (Betty) schedule, to a long-range campus development plan. The first new building proposed would be a combined academic/administration building. When we returned to the USA we began to make the needs of Hosanna known and one couple, in particular, responded immediately. A retired pastor he told us, "I love to raise money." And between him and his wife and their contacts and Betty and me and our friends we saw around $40,000 come in rather quickly. Less than two years after leaving Ethiopia in 2002, we were back, with our pastor friend, for the dedication of this new building. Pictured above, we are in front of the new building, with one of the students we had grown close to during our altogether too brief tenure at Hosanna.

Since the dedication of this building--four administrative offices, four faculty cubicle type offices, there are two very nice classroom--two more buildings have gone up. One a men's dorm designed for 40 single men and a dinning room/kitchen building. We Praise God for the way He is building this campus for a ministry training college that meets a vital and strategic need of the growing and developing Kale Heywet Church of Ethiopia--the daughter church of SIM.


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